The SportsNut Poet

The SportsNut Poet

Sports in Rhyme: Avid sports fans will appreciate the castchy phrases, play on words, metaphors, humor, and inuendo employed in this carefully metered rhyming scheme (four lines with the second and fourth lines rhyming and each line has seven meters (syllables). Readers coulod improve tyheir sports knowledge, test their sports acumen, and be challenged to unlock the meaning. Some poems are to figure out but enjoyable to read and others may bedifficult to interpret. If you subscribed already you’ve already had a look at dozens of these poems. There will be new poems in each new blog,

The title here in this poem below is a metaphor for George Steinbrenner who owned the Yankees for years but passed away before a new stadium was built at an astronomical price. So here’s the poem and I’) discuss each element:

Ruth’s new house a “mantle” piece
Ghest of George has new haunts
Were pricey signings in vain
Cheers could be turning to taunts.

“Who you gonna call’ is a reference to a famous movie called Ghostbusters.

Ruth refers to Babe Ruth and Yankee Stadium was always referred to as “The house that Ruth built” so Ruth’s “new” house (stadium) is considered a beautiful showroom piece or “mantle” piece which is a reference to another great Yankee player, Mickey Mantle. So George’s ghost (hypothetically) has new haunts or a new place to hang out. Then the subject of money comes up because the stadium cost millions and the team had the highest dollar signings of any other team in Major League Baseball, thus the final comment about the fans is that if the players don’t produce there will be unhappy fans.

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